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March open careers 2024

Real estate agent to represent buyers for RE/Max Shiraz Real Estate office, Jerusalem branch active as - 20 Year in various real estate fields (sale and marketing of second-hand apartments, Activity in the field of trade, Treatment of property owners who rent out their properties, Marketing of new projects and more) A real estate agent with a license for diverse and fascinating activities is required to accompany buyers in purchasing a residential or investment property. The office has an especially large variety of potential buyers and in order to meet the time standard...

A real estate agent is needed for the RE/Max Shiraz Real Estate branch..

The main Jerusalem branch to contact us on WhatsApp click You have always dreamed of a career in real estate - now is the right time for you! Re/Max Shiraz Real Estate - Jerusalem branch Come sit with us over a cup of coffee in the office and hear everything you need to know about integrating into the fascinating world of real estate!!! During the meeting we will talk about the opportunities and challenges. So waiting for you, Re/Max Shiraz Real Estate Jerusalem operates brokerage and project marketing activities in Jerusalem and the surrounding area. The firm has experience of...

Real Estate - The Benefits That A Real Estate Agent M ...

Real Estate Brokerage - The benefits that a professional real estate agent brings with him in the age we live in, Looks like it's possible to close sales deals, Rent and purchase real estate through free dedicated websites, Social Networks, Newspaper ads and the like. auditorium, It is important to emphasize that in many cases a real estate agent is still a necessary and important key figure today. This is because apartment and property owners are interested in working through a large real estate network or an exclusive realtor. so, Mediation…

Second career - specifically in the field of real estate brokerage!

Contact us for details on joining on mobile / WhatsApp click here The labor market in Israel is characterized by dynamism and flexibility, When many people choose at a certain time to make a professional change and develop a second career. this, If due to wear and tear in the current workplace, A sense of extraction from the profession, Preference to be a master to themselves, Or a desire to learn and expand horizons. RE / MAX Shiraz Real Estate adds additional agents to operations in Jerusalem and the surrounding area. As part of the search for a second career, There is a desire to find…

Increasing economic security >>>> through real estate

the mother……..? Is the financial security of your family important to you? Are you afraid that after retirement you will not be financially settled? You received a significant amount of money and you do not know how to make the best use of it? Do you want to generate extra monthly income right now and do not know how? Did you understand that the risks of investing in the stock market are really not for you? Did you save money on hard work and now the money is lying in the bank and eroded? It is clear to you that you must increase…

Interested in developing a career in real estate?

RE / MAX Shiraz Real Estate is adding additional agents to operations in Jerusalem and the surrounding area. If you have the desire to start an independent business in the field of real estate, Contact us today, Or leave your details on the site and our representative will contact you shortly produce. Because with success you do not argue - and your path to success can begin today! Brokerage network number 1 Israel and around the world. Guidance along the way to success. Great experience of a long-standing brokerage network…

Want to succeed in real estate?

"I really want to be successful in real estate but do not know what to do" Do you have a lot of questions about starting in the real estate world and you have no answers? We Berry / Max Shiraz Real Estate hold meetings with interested parties interested in joining the real estate world. We hold personal meetings especially for those who are interested in a new independent career in real estate. If you are interested in real estate or you are considering starting a career in real estate and you are most interested in details about the field, …

Realtors test course

Want to pass the realtors test? Professional preparation course for those interested in taking the Realtors Test! We have just the course for you! RE / MAX Shiraz Real Estate Jerusalem offers you a preparation course for the brokerage test in Jerusalem in order to help you successfully pass the licensing test and enter the world of brokerage soon., In a thorough and professional manner. As part of the preparation course for the real estate brokerage test, we touch on all the laws relevant to the realtors' test., Conducting simulation tests and in classroom, And prepare you in a way…

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